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Jeremy Sisto and Alicia Silverstone: Clueless lovers?

Jeremy Sisto says he would have jumped at the chance to hook up with his “Clueless” co-star Alicia Silverstone back in 1994 — if they both weren’t already taken.

“We probably would have had a little romance back in the day,” he told The Post at an event in Beverly Hills last week.

“I was married and she was in another relationship. We flirted with the idea, but I was a good boy. I was faithful. It is better that it didn’t happen.”

Sisto, 37, had just married his first wife, actress Marisa Ryan, in Las Vegas mere months before reporting to work on the iconic teen comedy. (“I definitely wasn’t ready to be alone in this crazy world,” he says.)

Silverstone, 35, was dating ‘90s sorta-heartthrob Stephen Dorff, who she met filming the sexy Aerosmith “Cryin’” video.

The flirty co-stars — now both proud new parents — were reunited in February to shoot four episodes of Sisto’s red-hot ABC comedy “Suburgatory.”

In the first episode, airing Wednesday, George (Sisto) meets Eden (Silverstone) at a local Farmer’s Market and is immediately smitten with her — and her healthy eating habits.

“It is a quick moving romance,” Sisto says. “I spot her and immediately feel she would make a good, positive role model for my daughter (Tessa, played by Jane Levy). And George being George — he moves very quickly — probably too quickly.”

The reunion, Sisto told Us Weekly, “is going to make some people feel a little old. I think it’s a great moment to see [us] back together.”
